6 Functional Strength and Conditioning Exercises You’re Not Using With Your Clients

| by in Strength Training
6 Functional Strength and Conditioning Exercises You’re Not Using With Your Clients

Consider adding one or more of these six highly effective functional strength and conditioning exercises to your clients’ programs. Not only do these exercises challenge the body in new ways and can help break through fitness plateaus, they can also improve overall quality of life by making daily activities easier to perform.

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Explosive Upper-Body Exercises

| by in Strength Training
Explosive Upper-Body Exercises

Many popular high-intensity exercise programs feature jumps, hops or skips to increase power output in lower-body muscles, but omit exercises for developing upper-body power. Whether you want to perform better in sports or in life, it is important to include exercises that improve the strength and power of the muscles of the upper back, shoulders and arms. This workout programs is ideal for developing essential upper-body power.

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Improve Your Strength and Performance With This 5 x 5 Workout

| by in Strength Training
Improve Your Strength and Performance With This 5 x 5 Workout

It can be a challenge to come up with new ways to help your clients safely and effectively achieve their strength goals. Here’s a technique that originated in the former Soviet Union that has proven extremely effective: lifting just five reps at a time. Check out this 5 x 5 workout that can help improve both strength and, when combined with proper skills practice, sport-specific performance as well.

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