I'm interested in Continuing Education courses,
including ACE Specialist Programs, or have questions
about certification renewal or submitting a petition:
If you are currently preparing for an ACE Certification Exam, ACE Answers, our self-serve resource center, will provide you with a wide range of online study materials that will give you the support you need to successfully prepare for your exam.
If you are a current ACE Continuing Education Provider or interested in learning about becoming one, our continuing education team can help. In addition, if you'd like to offer your facility as a host site for ACE workshops, we'd love to hear from you.
ACE curriculum is utilized by hundreds of universities, colleges and technical schools nationwide, which incorporate it into their undergraduate and graduate programs. If you are interested in using ACE materials in your curriculum, please contact the accounts team.
ACE works with health and fitness clubs of all sizes in helping staff members earn quality, accredited certifications and build their expertise with quality continuing education. Contact us for more information on continuing education opportunities for your facility, park, government or public safety organization.
Visit our Advocacy Center to read more about our work with state, local and federal leaders, and our position on topics affecting the health of our nation and the professionals we certify and represent. Our Engagement team is available to provide information to the media, government leaders, affected parties and interested groups.
ACE can provide health and fitness experts for media interviews, articles and public service campaigns. Contact ACE for information on the latest research, official position statements, the role of physical activity and behavior change as part of the healthcare continuum, health tips and more.
If you are a health and fitness professional with a current NCCA-accredited certification and professional writing experience, you may be considered for editorial opportunities for upcoming blogs or Certified articles. To apply, please submit 3-5 writing samples along with a short bio to ACE.