American Council on Exercise by American Council on Exercise

In a world where physical activity is often associated with youth and athleticism, Ronald McEntire's story breaks free from stereotypes and exemplifies the core mission of the American Council on Exercise (ACE)to inspire people to get moving and lead healthier lives.  

As a single father who primarily gravitated toward the arts, Ronald never considered himself a fitness enthusiast until he reached middle age. This later-in-life discovery ignited a passion within him that would ultimately define his existence moving forward. Through determination and commitment, Ronald became an ACE Certified Professional and embarked on a journey to share his newfound love of physical activity with others, especially older adults. Little did he know that this very passion would become his steadfast companion when faced with his terminal brain cancer diagnosis.  

In this moving letter, written by Ronald himself, he shares his remarkable exploration of self-discovery, resilience, and how living the ACE mission of getting people moving became his guiding light throughout an arduous battle against cancer. Ronald's story serves as a reminder that it's never too late to embrace a new passion and find solace in physical activity, even in the face of life's greatest challenges. 

Ronald’s Words  

Dear ACE Fitness Team, 
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for the tremendous impact ACE Fitness has had on my life. My name is Ronald McEntire, and I have been a grateful member of your fitness community for some time now. 
Before I continue, I want to share with you that I am currently facing a terminal cancer diagnosis. It is with a heavy heart that I must request the closure of my ACE Fitness account. However, I want to emphasize that this decision is not a reflection of any dissatisfaction with your services. On the contrary, I have found immense support and strength through ACE Fitness during my battle with brain cancer. 
When I first discovered ACE Fitness, I was seeking guidance and inspiration to maintain my physical strength and overall well-being. Your organization provided me with the knowledge and confidence to face my health challenges head-on. I pushed myself to exercise even during my medical treatments, and I firmly believe that this commitment made all the difference in my recovery journey. 
In fact, I want to share a remarkable experience that highlights the impact ACE Fitness has had on my life. Despite the physical toll of my illness, I was able to make a quick recovery after taking an intense fall. The fact that I did not break any bones or require admission to a nursing home can be attributed to the strength and resilience I developed through following the exercise principles and techniques I learned from ACE Fitness. 
Moreover, I am grateful to have had the opportunity to share this wisdom with other seniors facing similar challenges. Inspired by my own journey, I have been able to educate and empower fellow seniors on the importance of maintaining strong muscles and bones, improving balance, and carrying out daily living tasks with confidence. This has been an incredibly rewarding experience, made possible by the knowledge and support ACE Fitness provided me. 
As I move into this next chapter of my life, I want to express my deepest appreciation to the entire ACE Fitness team for their dedication, compassion, and unwavering commitment to promoting health and well-being. Your resources, expert advice, and sense of community have been invaluable to me. 
While I must bid farewell to my ACE Fitness account, the impact you have had on my life will remain with me forever. I am truly grateful for the strength, resilience, and knowledge I gained through my association with your organization. 
Thank you once again for your support, and please accept my heartfelt appreciation for all that you do. I wish ACE Fitness continued success in empowering individuals to live healthier, happier lives. 
Warmest regards, 
Ronald McEntire 


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