3 Ways to Motivate Unmotivated Children to Exercise

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3 Ways to Motivate Unmotivated Children to Exercise

Is it a struggle to get your kids off the couch and moving? Have they forgotten how to play without an electronic device in their hands? ACE Pro Brett Klika explains how can you inspire “unmotivated” children to make changes to their health-related habits using three strategies derived from both research and his nearly 20 years of working with kids of all physical abilities and levels of motivation.

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Top 10 Reasons Children Should Exercise

| by in Youth
Top 10 Reasons Children Should Exercise

The number of kids who get adequate amounts of daily physical activity is at a historically low rate. Unfortunately, reduced activity during school hours combined with increasingly busy and plugged-in lives means that parents, teachers and educators need to work harder than ever to make sure kids are moving their bodies and reaping the benefits of physical activity. Here are the top 10 reasons why helping kids become active once again is worth the effort.

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Youth Fitness: Cool Down and Stretch

| by in Youth
Youth Fitness: Cool Down and Stretch

Taking the time to cool down after a great exercise session, game or other activity is important for recovery and allows time to discuss accomplishments, provide feedback, set future goals and assign homework that youth can do on their own. Here are six great stretches to incorporate after each workout that will make stretching a healthy habit they maintain after every workout.

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