Exam Preparation
As part of our mission to protect people against unsafe and ineffective fitness products and trends, ACE often commissions independent, third-party research studies from major universities across the country. In some cases, those studies have prompted action by the Federal Trade Commission against several companies making false claims.
What is Body Mass Index (BMI) and Can I Rely on It?

Confused about Body Mass Index? Here’s some detailed information about how to calculate it, and an explanation about why the skinfold measurement may be more accurate for some of your muscle-bound clients or those with an athletic build.
Read MoreWhat Is Rapport and Why Is It So Important?

You’ve probably heard the word rapport before but maybe never thought much about its meaning and its importance. If you’re like me then you had heard the word, but never knew how to spell it properly. Read on to learn more about the significance of rapport — and its proper spelling.
Read MoreGoal Setting—Create a Goal the SMART Way

Learn about the SMART goal setting process. This is a tried and true way to achieve your fitness goals or any other goals you might have.
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