New Health Coach Study Materials Available

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New Health Coach Study Materials Available

ACE recently announced the release of The Professional’s Guide to Health and Wellness Coaching and associated study materials. Individuals studying from the ACE Health Coach Manual may be wondering if their current materials are still sufficient to help them prepare for the ACE Health Coach Certification exam. Here is some information that may help you feel comfortable about being able to successfully prepare for the exam using the ACE Health Coach Manual and associated study materials.

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What is the Kinetic Chain?

| by in Exercise Science
What is the Kinetic Chain?

Anatomically, the kinetic chain describes the interrelated groups of body segments, connecting joints, and muscles working together to perform movements and the portion of the spine to which they connect. This idea proposed that movements occurring within each body segment would be capable of “closed-chain” or “open-chain” movement patterns. As an exercise and health professional, it is important to recognize that good program design includes open-chain and closed-chain exercises.

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What to Do After Completing the Study Materials and Before You Take Your Exam

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What to Do After Completing the Study Materials and Before You Take Your Exam

As your exam day approaches, it is sometimes difficult to know what areas you should be focusing on the most. While we do suggest that you relax, instead of cram, the day before your exam, here are some study strategies that we’ve found to be effective in the period leading up to it.

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