6 Exercises for a Stronger Core

| by in Fitness
6 Exercises for a Stronger Core

A strong core is essential to a stable and mobile body. To challenge the entire core—and not just the abdominals—it is best to use a variety of stances and to incorporate a wide range of movements. Check out these six exercises that target the abdominals, back muscles, glutes and upper legs, and were designed to help improve movement efficiency and prevent injury.

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Strength Training Workout for Beginners

| by in Program Design
Strength Training Workout for Beginners

The gym can be an intimidating place, especially for women who are new to resistance training. Free weights, barbells and cable machines all look like torture devices to a newcomer, and the fear of “looking silly” or like you don’t know what you’re doing may hold you back. Here are a few tips and six beginner exercises targeting each major muscle group to get you or your client started.

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ACE Total-body Barbell Workout

| by in Strength Training
ACE Total-body Barbell Workout

Did you know you can do a lot more with a barbell than just the basic chest press? This versatile tool is great for performing multijoint movements that target a large amount of muscle tissue. Plus, exercises like squats, deadlifts and presses help to strengthen functional movements that we use everyday. Here is an effective total-body workout that will enhance both strength and flexibility.

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Total-body Dumbbell Workout

| by in Strength Training
Total-body Dumbbell Workout

If you’re interested in strengthening your muscles, you don’t have to go to the gym. With a pair of dumbbells, you can a great total-body workout right at home. Here is a quick and effective dumbbell workout that will hit all the major muscle groups—not only will this routine help build strength, it could potentially increase metabolism, reduce body fat and improve your posture as well.

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Mindful Movement: Coaching Clients to Become More Active

Inspire inactive individuals to find inner motivation for physical activity and experience its transformative benefits.

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