Graham Melstrand by Graham Melstrand

ACE urges the U.S. Congress to pass the COVID-19 Youth Sports and Healthy Working Families Relief Act (H.R. 7562), which incorporates the Personal Health Investment Today (PHIT) ActACE joins approximately 4,000 stakeholders seeking legislative support to encourage healthier lifestyles through physical activity 

Take action today by contacting your representatives in Congress and encouraging others to do the same on social mediaClick here for tips and resources from SFIA’s #PassPHIT and PLAY Sports Coalition. 

Including the PHIT Act as part of the larger COVID-19 Youth Sports and Family Relief Act (H.R. 7562) in the next economic stimulus package will have the triple effect of: 

  1. Improving health in America; 
  2. Reducing the strain on our overall healthcare system; and 
  3. Providing consumer-driven economic stimulus to help active lifestyle industries harmed by COVID  

PHIT would incentivize health by providing a 10 to 37 percent discount on physical activity expenditures through use of pre-tax medical accounts. Youth sports costs, health club dues, personal training servicesat home fitness programs, outdoor recreation fees, sports and fitness equipment, and other expenses directly related to active lifestyles would be eligible for payment using an HSA or FSA. Currently, HSA/FSA account holders can pay for treatment of disease with their pre-tax money, but not for prevention via physical activity. 

ACE has long supported the passage of the PHIT Act. Read more: 


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