Expand Your Programming Options With the Movement Variability Matrix

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Expand Your Programming Options With the Movement Variability Matrix

When it comes to exercise programming, many health and exercise professionals prefer to stick to the basics, but that isn’t always the best way to address the unique goals and limitations of each individual client. Learn how to use the Movement Variability Matrix, which provides a framework for developing additional options when designing corrective exercise programs for your clients.

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Incorporating Reactive Training Into Your Clients' Exercise Programs

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Incorporating Reactive Training Into Your Clients' Exercise Programs

From a programming perspective, activities that stimulate, challenge and engage both the body and the mind can be particularly beneficial. One approach to creating novelty in your programming is by incorporating reactive training and its secondary benefits, which are referred to as reactive variability. Learn how to incorporate these elements into your clients’ programs and improve their ability to react to whatever life might throw at them.

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Incorporating Reactive Training Into Your Clients' Exercise Programs

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Incorporating Reactive Training Into Your Clients' Exercise Programs

From a programming perspective, activities that stimulate, challenge and engage both the body and the mind can be particularly beneficial. One approach to creating novelty in your programming is by incorporating reactive training and its secondary benefits, which are referred to as reactive variability. Learn how to incorporate these elements into your clients’ programs and improve their ability to react to whatever life might throw at them.

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The Movement Variability Matrix

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The Movement Variability Matrix

When it comes to exercise programming, many health and fitness professionals prefer to stick to the basics, but that isn’t always the best way to address the unique goals and physical limitations of each individual client.The Movement Variability Matrix is a valuable tool in that it provides a framework for developing clearer and more expanded options when designing corrective exercise programs for your clients.

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The Movement Variability Matrix

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The Movement Variability Matrix

When it comes to exercise programming, many health and fitness professionals prefer to stick to the basics, but that isn’t always the best way to address the unique goals and physical limitations of each individual client.The Movement Variability Matrix is a valuable tool in that it provides a framework for developing clearer and more expanded options when designing corrective exercise programs for your clients.  

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A Systematic Approach to Improving Ankle Mobility

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A Systematic Approach to Improving Ankle Mobility

Research has linked limited ankle mobility to a wide range of lower-leg injuries, including plantar fasciitis, shin splints, stress fractures, ankle sprains and Achilles tendinitis. Learn how to develop effective strategies for improving ankle mobility that include self-myofascial release, self-mobilization and dynamic stretches that address the multiple joints involved.

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