American Council on Exercise by American Council on Exercise

The Moving Together Outside Campaign seeks to increase the number of shared-use agreements across the country. These agreements, permits or memorandums of understanding, are most often created between two parties (usually a government/governing body and a person/ business) that allows for a space to be used when not otherwise occupied.

An example of a shared-use agreement is a city that opens playgrounds or athletic fields for an exercise professional or entire community in their jurisdiction for public use. These types of agreements allow physical activity access to all communities, especially those that are most vulnerable to lifestyle–related diseases such as obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure.

With the COVID-19 pandemic far from over, exercising safely outdoors is not only a viable option, but presents both short- and long-term benefits including:

Short-term Benefits

  • Increased physical activity opportunities for community members, which will help participants:
    • Reduce stress through exercising
    • Improve their mental health by being outside and exercising

Long-term Benefits

  • Reduced health inequity in communities that need it most
  • More engaged community
  • Improved community health
  • Increased economic opportunity for businesses and individuals

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