Should You Start a Podcast?

| by in Pro Advice
Should You Start a Podcast?

Are you thinking about starting a podcast? With upwards of two million podcasts sharing more than 48 million episodes, some may argue that the podcasting market is oversaturated. However, podcasting remains a growing medium, and as a health and exercise professional, podcasting can help you build credibility, grow your client list and, with the right strategy, increase your income.

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Increase Your Impact By Taking a Weight-neutral Approach

| by in Program Design
Increase Your Impact By Taking a Weight-neutral Approach

As health and exercise professionals, we often work with clients who have weight-loss goals. But are we doing a disservice or potentially harming clients if intentional weight loss is the primary goal? Learn why a weight-neutral approach may be a more effective way to achieve long-term success and improved health outcomes for your clients.

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TRX Suspension Training Course!

Dive deep into the mechanics and techniques that will turn
routine workouts into transformative experiences.

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