Provider: Twist Conditioning, Inc
Type: Online Course
Online Content
Online Quiz
Recorded Video
CEC Credits: ACE 0.4 CECs

Learn a state-of-the-art sport strength training program with this at-home study package designed by industry innovator Peter Twist. Success in sport and life movement requires the ability to transfer force from legs through the core to the upper body seamlessly. Learn to incorporate movement and balance into training programs to achieve smarter bodies, stronger legs and shoulders.

You will learn:

  • How to implement the Twist Conditioning paradigm into training programs, including Sport Strength – Legs & Shoulders exercises that foster true athleticism in clients
  • To build training programs for youth athletes, adult recreationalists and elite adult athletes using innovative Sport Strength – Legs & Shoulders exercises
  • Basic knowledge and understanding of science and practical application related to implementing the Twist Conditioning paradigm and Sport Strength – Legs & Shoulders exercises


This course was awesome and the way all the videos need to be. I find the modern ones are not as helpful as these old school videos. LOVED everything in this video and how to make my clients better athletes.