The Truth About Exercise and Appetite

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The Truth About Exercise and Appetite

While some continue to believe that exercise is the key to weight loss, most experts now agree that exercise alone just isn’t going to cut it and, in some cases, may even make some people eat more. However, two recent studies hint that exercise of a certain form and duration could change the way our bodies interact with food in complex ways that give our appetites the stop sign.

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5 Weight-loss Lies We Tell Ourselves

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5 Weight-loss Lies We Tell Ourselves

Despite decades of research and incredible scientific discoveries about how the human body works, weight-loss myths continue to persist. Perhaps it is Americans’ obsessive quest for a quick fix, but the time has come to let go of many of these weight-loss lies and start moving toward a healthier, more realistic view of what it takes to lose weight and live a healthy life. Here are five common weight-loss lies and the scientific evidence that debunks them once and for all.

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Reality Check: Are Planks Really the Best Core Exercise?

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Reality Check: Are Planks Really the Best Core Exercise?

For the past several years, planks have been the undisputed go-to exercise for strengthening the core. Recently, however, a few voices have been quietly questioning whether fitness pros may be over-relying on it in core training or not properly integrating it into clients’ overall workout regimens. Here’s what the experts have to say about the merits—and drawbacks—of the almighty plank.

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Is Any Workout Worth the Risk?

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Is Any Workout Worth the Risk?

There’s nothing quite like the topic of CrossFitTM to get people talking—and arguing. Mention Uncle Rhabdo (the nickname for rhabdomyolosis, a condition in which damaged muscle tissue breaks down and damages the kidneys) and the conversation is likely to get heated. Turns out there has been a noticeable increase in the incidence of this rare, but serious and even fatal disease. But is CrossFit really to blame?

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5 Weight-loss Lies We Tell Ourselves

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5 Weight-loss Lies We Tell Ourselves

Despite decades of research and incredible scientific discoveries about how the human body works, weight-loss myths continue to persist. Perhaps it is Americans’ obsessive quest for a quick fix, but the time has come to let go of many of these weight-loss lies and start moving toward a healthier, more realistic view of what it takes to lose weight and live a healthy life. Here are five common weight-loss lies and the scientific evidence that debunks them once and for all.

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Red Meat: How Much Is Safe to Consume?

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Red Meat: How Much Is Safe to Consume?

Many people are trying to eat more healthfully, but contradictory nutritional advice makes knowing what to eat difficult, especially when it comes to things like fat, cholesterol, eggs and red meat. Paleo advocates advise us to eat more meat and eggs, while many nutritionists recommend eating less to reduce the risk of heart disease. Two new studies shed some light on this debate, answering some questions and raising a few more. Here’s what you need to know.

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The Truth About Exercise and Appetite

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The Truth About Exercise and Appetite

While some continue to believe that exercise is the key to weight loss, most experts now agree that exercise alone just isn’t going to cut it and, in some case, may even make some people eat more. However, two recent studies hint that exercise of a certain form and duration could change the way our bodies interact with food in complex ways that give our appetites the stop sign.

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Mindful Movement: Coaching Clients to Become More Active

Inspire inactive individuals to find inner motivation for physical activity and experience its transformative benefits.

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