Is BODYJAM an Effective Workout?

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Is BODYJAM an Effective Workout?

From Jazzercise to Zumba and everything in between, the fitness industry has been building on the concept of burning calories through dance for more than 50 years. This latest ACE-commissioned study takes a look at one of the newer dance-based programs—BODYJAM by Les Mills—to determine if it’s a good workout and how many calories participants can expect to burn in a typical class.

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Can Foam Rolling Improve Sports Performance? 

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Can Foam Rolling Improve Sports Performance? 

Foam rollers are often used during the warm-up of an exercise session or as a means of recovery between workouts, but how effective are they for improving performance? In an effort to bring some clarity to the topic, researchers evaluated the training effects of foam rolling on lower-body flexibility and mobility and performance. Also included is a video demonstrating foam-rolling exercises that you can share with your clients.

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