Provider: Maximum Training Solutions
Type: Online Course
Online Content
Online Quiz
CEC Credits: ACE 0.4 CECs

Get Your Clients Moving – The Right Way

Movement is at the core of what we are as human beings. It’s what keeps us fit, keeps us healthy and helps us live lives free of inactivity-related disease. But improper movement can cause injury, chronic pain and hinder our ability to exercise consistently. To get your clients moving towards a healthy and happy life, you must get them moving the right way.

As a health and fitness professional, you know how to get your clients moving and get them inspired to live a healthy, fit life. But recognizing and correcting poor movement patterns—patterns that can derail your clients’ ability to exercise—can be difficult. The Screen, Steer, Move course will teach you how to properly screen clients for poor movement patterns with a comprehensive and simple movement screen, and present a systematic approach to movement dysfunction that will equip you with the proper information to integrate corrective strategies into your programming.

This course is taught by Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS—the Prevention, Rehab, and Physical Performance Coordinator for 17 sports at Missouri State University. Screen, Steer, Move will help you identify movement dysfunction and make appropriate corrections in your training programs, so you can keep your clients moving, happy and healthy.

You will learn:

  • The basic concepts of corrective exercise.
  • How to properly implement corrective exercise into your programming.
  • How to recognize faulty movement patterns using a simple assessment tool.
  • How to use corrective exercises to improve faulty fundamental movement patterns.
  • How to progress and regress these corrective exercises by changing body position, load, load placement, and/or stability to fit clients of all levels of fitness and abilities.


Great course. I learned a lot of new exercises to help my clients.

One of the better ACE CEC courses I have taken. Definitely worth the .4 CECs. Excellent exercises provided. You'll learn a lot of new ones. Note to ACE: The video cuts off prematurely in Module 5 (Push-Up Correctives).


There was a lot of information presented in the print out that was not elaborated in the video material. This implied that while important, it was not as important as the video content. However several quiz questions were word-for-word quotes from the print out. This presented a disconnect between the video emphasis and printout. Additionally, the video for module 5 is cut short and ends in the middle of an exercise demonstration.