ACE Professional Profile

Robyn Landis


Robyn Landis


(206) 790-1799


ACE-certified trainer Robyn Landis helps people become unstoppable in their healthiest habits, so they are “fueling” the body and life they yearn for. Her unique approach helps clients step decisively into core healthy practices and make their own life nourishment a joyful choice and priority—for energy, strength and peace of mind. With two best-selling books and a third on the way, numerous nationally-published articles, media appearances and 25 energetic years of walking her talk, Landis has helped thousands of people overcome confusion, overwhelm and resistance to healthy living—and LOVE getting a body they love, energy to spare, and health to thrive and live fully. Landis synthesizes proven essentials—and ignites powerful motivation to use them with her unique Conscious Inspiration approach that is a breakthrough in motivation. She offers individual and group coaching and training. Robyn expertly and compassionately supports clients in: giving themselves what they need for energy, strength and amazing aging; creating their own signature healthy-living blueprint; and creating the deep, juicy self-inspiration that will move them to act on what they know—happily.

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

8 Expired

Programs and Rates

Private Personal Training Sessions: $95.00

Years in the Industry

21+ years

Areas of Focus

Active Aging
Disease Considerations
Cardiovascular Disease / High Blood Pressure
Metabolic Disease / Diabetes
Group Fitness
Aquatic Fitness
Core Training
Dance-based Programs
Walking Programs
Nutrition for Health and Wellness
Sports Nutrition
Program Design
Cardiorespiratory Training
Strength Training
Bodyweight Training
Core Training
Sports Performance
Weight Management
Other Mind Body
Women's Health

Specialist Programs

Fitness Nutrition
