ACE Professional Profile

James Junio


James Junio

San Diego, CA US 92101


I'm not a bootcamp kinda guy. If you're typical of my first-time clients, then all you want is just to lose a few pounds and firm up. Cool. I don't know why, but somehow, my tentative, soft-spoken clients transform into these really focused ATHLETES who aspire to their first marathon or triathlon or century (100 mile) bicycle ride. They get these amazing bodies that look good and perform. Wasn't me... I'm just here to keep up the levity. We train in small groups because it's more fun. I hate being inside a box, so we train outdoors, with animals and trees. We enjoy an occasional coffee house stop for scones and chocolate-- Seriously, it's OK. I'm a coach, certified by ACE, NSCA and USA Triathlon; Bachelor of Science, Biochemistry; Masters degree from San Diego State (in business). I was once obese. I'm into: running, cycling, swimming, free-weights, sailing, skiing, international travel, writing, eating... being.

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

19 Expired

Programs and Rates

Contact Me

Years in the Industry

6-10 years

Areas of Focus

Nutrition for Health and Wellness
Sports Nutrition
Weight Loss / Weight Management
Strength Training
Endurance Sports
Sports Performance

Specialist Programs
