ACE Professional Profile

Kathleen Whetsel


Kathleen Whetsel


(206) 771-2760


I believe... In training each individual as is appropriate and effective for their particular and unique anatomy and physiology, and as their disposition and lifestyle needs dictate; That everyone's body requires a slightly different combination or balance between strength and cardio training, and I strive to find that balance with each of my clients; In using multiple training methods to evoke the best response in each client; That my job is not just to motivate but to educate; That to be successful, one must be willing to get uncomfortable; In the importance of good nutrition to one's health and fitness, and that it is a crucial component to lasting weight loss and/or changes in one's body composition; That in order to achieve it, you must believe it--and I'm here to help you believe.

Ace Certifications

Personal Trainer, ACE Health Coach

Years Certified with Ace


Programs and Rates

Private Personal Training Sessions: $60.00

Years in the Industry

6-10 years

Areas of Focus

Active Aging
Corrective Exercise
Group Fitness
Program Design
Specialized Equipment Training
Strength Training
Women's Health

Specialist Programs


Personal Trainer Specific Information

Years Of Experience

6-10 years

Preferred Client Type

Older Adult, Special Populations, Healthy Adult, Overweight, Underweight, Post Rehab, Other, Busy Moms

Client Training Locations

Club, Other, Virtual Personal Training, Online Personal Training

Average Clients Weekly


ACE Health Coach Specific Information

Years of Experience

2-5 years

Preferred Client Type

Overweight, Underweight

Client Training Locations
