ACE Professional Profile

Kathleen Lisson


Kathleen Lisson

San Diego, CA US 92129

(619) 880-6538


Kathleen Lisson is a San Diego, CA based Certified Health Coach, Meditation Teacher, Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) with Yoga Alliance and NCBTMB Board Certified Massage Therapist. Kathleen uses her health coaching skills on a daily basis while helping clients recover and transition back into exercise after liposuction, BBL, tummy tuck, and facelifts. She has taught mindfulness at IPSB Massage College and written about the positive effects of meditation in her books Lipedema Treatment Guide and Plastic Surgery Recovery Handbook. She has spoken on mindfulness topics at the Fat Disorders Resource Society conference. Kathleen is interested in mindfulness interventions for adults with a history of Adverse Childhood Experiences. Find her Yoga classes at KathleenHelenLisson. com ACE Certified Health Coach #W56361 ACE Certified Personal Trainer #T195602 McLean Meditation Institute Certified Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) with Yoga Alliance #396369

Ace Certifications

Personal Trainer, ACE Health Coach

Years Certified with Ace


Programs and Rates

Private Personal Training Sessions: $130.00

Years in the Industry

2-5 years

Areas of Focus

Disease Considerations
Women's Health

Specialist Programs

Fitness Nutrition
Corrective Exercise


Personal Trainer Specific Information

Years Of Experience

2-5 years

Preferred Client Type

Special Populations, Overweight, Post Rehab, Other, Lipedema

Client Training Locations


Average Clients Weekly


ACE Health Coach Specific Information

Years of Experience

0-1 years

Preferred Client Type

Other, Adverse Childhood Experiences

Client Training Locations
