Provider: ACE - American Council On Exercise
Type: Online Course
Online Quiz
Recorded Video
CEC Credits: ACE 0.2 CECs , ACSM - American College Of Sports Medicine 2.0 CECs

Perceived barriers can be a reason your clients struggle to adopt healthy fitness routines. Whether they’re too busy, bored or not seeing results, shifting to workouts lasting 20 minutes or less may be just what they need to remain motivated.  

For clients who prefer shorter daily workouts over lengthy sessions 3-4 times a week, it is important to understand the most efficient exercises to help them reach their goals. This training structure can bring about greater consistency and better results and may be more appealing to busy clients who aim to make each moment count. 

In this course, Elyse Miller, ACE Certified Personal Trainer, and ACE Brand Ambassador, will lead you through how to create quick and effective workouts that maximize the power of every minute and every move. Learn how to properly design a weekly, monthly and yearly schedule to keep clients engaged and on track to reach their goals. 

Upon completion, you will be able to: 

  • Properly design short workouts based on your clients’ goals and time constraints 

  • Understand the most effective interval methods, rep ranges and protocols  

  • Write 10-20 minute workouts including AMRAP, HIIT, EMOM and more 

  • Motivate clients to work hard for a short amount of time to maximize their results 

  • Support your clients in setting mini-goals over weeks, months and beyond 

  • Utilize the tools needed to have more committed, engaged and successful clients 

CEC Credits

Approved by the following organizations for continuing education hours:

ACSM - American College Of Sports Medicine
2.0 CECs

ACSM - American College Of Sports Medicine CEC Approval

The American College of Sports Medicine's Professional Education Committee certifies that "American Council on Exercise" meets the criteria for official ACSM Approved Provider status from (2021 - December 2023). Providership # 687637


Great and informative course! Exactly what I was looking for.

This is a great course! Very engaging and informative.

Excelente recurso! Recomendado 100%. Fue al grano y vas a aprender información que necesitas para tu negocio!