ACE Professional Profile

Andrea Jones


Andrea Jones

Murfreesboro, TN US 37128


As a trainer, I will help you reach your exercising and lifestyle goals. I am educated to teach you how to live a more active life and take the safest and smartest route to a healthy lifestyle. I am not a doctor, dietician, psychologist or physical therapist. I am a trainer, educated to instill the correct exercise techniques and programs.I can help and inspire you, but cannot cure you; I can provide a solid foundation for you, but cannot make you happier, thinner or perfect; I can give you proper education, but cannot do the work for you; I can encourage and challenge you, but cannot prevent the natural peaks and valleys of your fitness journey; I can walk you through the process, but can't guarantee it will be easy; I can believe in you,but you must believe in yourself; I can make you stronger, but not indestructible; I can give you the best of my experience, knowledge and encouragement, but in the end, you must decide to commit to living the life that I know is possible for you; I know that only you can make it happen; only you can open yourself up to the realities of healthy living and allow yourself to be inspired. I am privileged everyday to inspire you and the rest of the world to fitness. My profession is my passion and my purpose. My certifications include ACE Group Fitness & ACE Personal Trainer, Stott Pilates, Johnny G Spinning, TurboKick, Group Power, YMCA Strength Training Instructor and YMCA Fitness Specialist. I attend a national training each year to keep up with trends in the industry for your safety and protection. I want to accommodate your goals, needs and interests.

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

29 Expired

Programs and Rates

Contact Me

Years in the Industry

16-20 years

Areas of Focus

Group Fitness
Strength Training

Specialist Programs
