ACE Professional Profile

Nicole Vreeland


Nicole Vreeland

Brentwood, CA US 94513


I've been a member of the fitness community for 18 years; I've seen a lot of trends come and go. What I have learned is that the only thing that really matters is finding something that you LIKE doing and giving yourself time to enjoy learning and mastering it (and to allow yourself to mess up without letting it ruin your progress). I've found a great many passions for myself through helping others. I earned a black belt, became certified in SCUBA, learned how to rock climb, (I even managed to take my 5 kids camping without my husband ;)), plus cycling, pilates, yoga and dancing and hiking and so many more things. When my clients stopped worrying about the end result and started to love the whole process of what they were doing, their fitness goals became secondary to the experience. Then they'd get their family and friends involved which improved way more than just physical fitness. What a blessing it has been, being involved in these people's discoveries.

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

31 Expired

Programs and Rates

Contact Me

Years in the Industry

16-20 years

Areas of Focus

Group Fitness

Specialist Programs
