ACE Professional Profile

Kelly Dangler


Kelly Dangler

Clinton, ME US 04927


Have been involved in health & fitness for 27 years-always keeping up to date with the current research and class styles. Admitting that my favorite is leading groups especially the traditional aerobic classes of the 80's-I love to choreograph and make it fun for participants. It keeps them coming and it works! Another specialty I have is in aquatics, again take the choreography to the pool, it's great!! I think my next venture will be bringing back dancing for fitness, with the popularity of Dancing with the Stars, Hip hop Abs, Salsa and Zumba it will be a blast. My philosophy is to motivate clients and class participants with "Why are we doing this?" I feel strongly that they need to be educated and understand all of the benefits so they will continue and know how to exercise on their own rather than be dependent on another person and use that as an excuse.

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

28 Expired

Programs and Rates

Contact Me

Years in the Industry

21+ years

Areas of Focus

Corrective Exercise
Disease Considerations
Group Fitness

Specialist Programs
