ACE Professional Profile

Irv Rubenstein Ph.D.


Irv Rubenstein Ph.D.

Nashville, TN US 37212


Founder/owner/trainer at STEPS, Inc, Nashville's first personal training center (1989), Dr. Irv has been applying his educational credentials to foster the most scientifically-based personal training in town. Additionally, he provides continuing education with Exercise ETC to trainers around the country bringing the same dedication and commitment to science and research-based principle. Not one to follow fads, he searches for substantiation from the research; but he also strives to find alternative measures by which to provide his clients the ability to achieve their fitness goals. Thus he introduced whole body vibration training and blood flow restricted training to the fitness environment well before others and even somewhat ahead of the increasing body of literature that supports them. Specializing in helping those with special needs, his clients - some of whom have been with him for over 20 years - find aging is easier if their fitness is maintained in the face of Father Time.

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

32 Expired

Programs and Rates

Private Personal Training Sessions: $85.00
Semi-private / Small Group Training: $100.00

Years in the Industry

21+ years

Areas of Focus

Disease Considerations
Strength Training

Specialist Programs
