ACE Professional Profile

Michelle Martin


Michelle Martin

San Diego, CA US 92130

(619) 517-0655


What got me into personal training was my own experience with childhood obesity. What keeps me in personal training is the desire to help you meet your goals of living a healthier lifestyle. My goal is to get you moving and prevent/manage the onset of disease that can be controlled through diet and exercise. It's never too late to get in shape and have fun doing it. As a Personal Fitness Instructor, I have 1. Coordinated and executed personal fitness programs based on the evaluation of an individuals needs, 2. Encouraged clients to meet set goals, 3. Observed and utilized advanced therapeutic techniques, 4. Assisted with a variety of physical disabilities, 5. Analyzed the proper execution of rehabilitation exercise.

Ace Certifications

Personal Trainer, ACE Health Coach

Years Certified with Ace


Programs and Rates

Private Personal Training Sessions: $50.00
Semi-private / Small Group Training: $35.00

Years in the Industry

21+ years

Areas of Focus

Active Aging
Corrective Exercise
Disease Considerations
Cardiovascular Disease / High Blood Pressure
Metabolic Disease / Diabetes
Orthopedic Conditions
Pre-Post Natal
Weight Loss / Weight Management
Strength Training
Balance Training
Bodyweight Training
Core Training
Flexibility Training
Movement-based Training
Weight Management
Women's Health

Specialist Programs

Behavior Change
Senior Fitness


Personal Trainer Specific Information

Years Of Experience

21+ years

Preferred Client Type

Older Adult, Special Populations, Healthy Adult, Overweight, Post Rehab

Client Training Locations


Average Clients Weekly


ACE Health Coach Specific Information

Years of Experience

16-20 years

Preferred Client Type

Overweight, Obese

Client Training Locations
