ACE Professional Profile

Joshua Zepess


Joshua Zepess

Bend, OR USA 97701


The body is a reflection of the mind and vice versa. When one is healthy, so is the other. This is why I believe in teaching people how to be healthy and giving them the tools to succeed on their own. Whether it is muscle growth, fat loss, or functional improvement, the sense of accomplishment a person feels in these areas spills over to all other areas of their lives. I do practice what I preach. I have a passion for fitness and helping others, with my current focus on bodybuilding and martial arts. I do balance this with my professional engineering and business careers. This provides me an immense challenge that can show others how fitness does not require immense amounts of time, but rather a focused, intense dedication on a limited time and money budget. Best Regards, Josh

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

12 Expired

Programs and Rates

Private Personal Training Sessions: $35.00

Years in the Industry

2-5 years

Areas of Focus

Strength Training

Specialist Programs
