ACE Professional Profile

Michael Pollock


Michael Pollock

OMAHA, NE US 68136

(402) 680-1287


Fitness is not only my career, its my PASSION. I work hard for my clients to ensure they get what they want out of their training. Besides personal training, I also am the senior wellness director for Hillcrest Health services where I work daily with the active aging population on healthy living and longevity. I have several certifications and continually seek out new education experiences to further my knowledge of fitness, exercise, and healthy living; so that I can then pass along that knowledge to my clients. I also annually compete in runs, triathlons, adventures races, and more. In other words, I practice what I preach and I would LOVE to help you in reaching your fitness goals! MPollock Fitness offers unique and tailored training sessions specified towards YOUR needs and goals. With my background in TRX, I promote functional movement through training - utilizing the body as one efficient machine with all its moving parts synergistically contributing to overall stability, mobility, and flexibility. My goals for ALL clients are two-fold. 1) Aid clients in changing their body to facilitate everyday activities and health goals. 2) Promote INDEPENDENCE so that clients have the knowledge and motivation to maintain healthy living. In other words, my greatest success would actually be training myself OUT of a job!

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

12 Expired

Programs and Rates

Contact Me

Years in the Industry

0-1 years

Areas of Focus

Active Aging
Corrective Exercise
Group Fitness
Program Design
Strength Training

Specialist Programs
