ACE Professional Profile

Cameron Wall


Cameron Wall


(919) 796-7590


I am very dedicated and motivated to helping individuals establish activity plans that work for them individually. Most importantly, I want to help them see that physical activity can be fun and enjoyable. There is nothing better than seeing a client leave with a smile on their face knowing they achieved a goal. I not only come from an athletic background but one where weight and self-confidence came as a struggle. I want to help people accomplish goals by having a positive outlook. I have been through many obstacles but have had the attitude of risk everything or gain nothing. I have had the opportunity to work closely with athletes, former athletes as well as general population in college and in the professional world. I wake up every morning with determination in order to go to bed with satisfaction.

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

12 Expired

Programs and Rates

Private Personal Training Sessions: $50.00
Group Fitness Sessions: $65.00

Years in the Industry

2-5 years

Areas of Focus

Active Aging
Corrective Exercise
Disease Considerations
Wheelchair Fitness
Specialized Equipment Training
Kettlebell Training
Olympic Lifting
Strength Training
Balance Training
Bodyweight Training
Core Training
Endurance Sports
Functional Training
Sports Performance
Weight Management
Women's Health

Specialist Programs
