ACE Professional Profile

Theresa Veno


Theresa Veno



My philosophy is about baby steps. Changes don't come overnight, but they do come, and no matter how small, they can be rewarding and amazing if you learn to see them that way. You need to enjoy the process—and learn from every part of it—even the setbacks. It’s all part of what will become the new you, and what will make your personal success story unique. I am now 40 years old, a mother of two and finally in a 'happy place' emotionally and physically. Exercise has given me this. I believe fitness is a journey that everyone needs to make, but I know from personal experience how hard it is. I’ve battled it myself. I'm passionate about it and very much want to share what I've learned along the way. I hope to help others make the same journey toward wellness. I hope to give them the information necessary to do so, and to support them along the way.

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

14 Expired

Programs and Rates

Private Personal Training Sessions: $40.00

Years in the Industry

2-5 years

Areas of Focus

Disease Considerations
Weight Loss / Weight Management
Strength Training

Specialist Programs

Functional Training
