ACE Professional Profile

Mee Ching Goh


Mee Ching Goh

Kajang, Selangor MY 43000


Hi, i am Mee Ching. I am a part-time/ freelance personal trainer. I definitely know how hard it is to maintain a healthy life style. But, please leave that worries for me to help you to be healthy and happy person. I was an athlete in martial art and archery for more than 10 years. I like that extra push when i know it can drives me towards the goal and desire i want for any competition. I have also completed my Continuous Education Courses and training experiences in the following areas: 1. Complete Ball Training 2. Sport Nutrition 3. Functional Fusion Training 4. Strength and Core Training Contact me if you have think about what fitness goals you have been set for yourself,i will help you through the process. Always believe in yourself : " You can be as good as you wanted to be"

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

14 Expired

Programs and Rates

Contact Me

Years in the Industry

6-10 years

Areas of Focus

Corrective Exercise
Disease Considerations
Group Fitness
Group Strength
Kickboxing and Boxing
Martial Arts and MMA
Nutrition for Health and Wellness
Sports Nutrition
Weight Loss / Weight Management
Strength Training
Bodyweight Training
Endurance Sports
Flexibility Training
Functional Training
Sports Performance
Weight Management
Women's Health

Specialist Programs
