ACE Professional Profile

Renee Loboda


Renee Loboda

Minnesott Beach, NC US 28510

(252) 269-7788


Renee Loboda, CPT has her certification with the American Council on Exercise (ACE). Renee is also a trained Hospice Volunteer. She is committed to good health and fitness through cardiovascular exercise, strength training, flexibility and practicing good nutrition. Her belief is that anyone can become fit and healthy given the proper instruction, time, dedication and a desire to replace old habits with new habits. Renee specializes in working with the "everyday" person. Regardless of your current age or fitness level she can help you bring about change. She can show you how to work fitness into your busy schedule. Light, moderate or intense she will customize a program just for you. After your initial health and fitness assessment with her, she will customize a training program based on your individual needs and wants. Together with you, Renee will track your continuing progress and keep you motivated. While reaching each new goal set, you will learn the methods for maintaining the new you. Good health and fitness brings a greater sense of well being to the individual and with that, the opportunities that a healthy and fit lifestyle bring are endless.

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

14 Expired

Programs and Rates

Contact Me

Years in the Industry

6-10 years

Areas of Focus

Active Aging
Disease Considerations
Strength Training
Women's Health

Specialist Programs
