ACE Professional Profile

Nancy Jensen


Nancy Jensen

Colorado Springs, CO USA 80920


If you think you don't like exercise, are out-of-shape, and/or are over 50, I would love to be your personal trainer. I was a gym class failure, but when I reached my 30's I tried some weight-lifting machines and found the activity somewhat enjoyable. That didn't lead to success in my primary goal of weight loss, though, so at age 40 I hired a personal trainer. That experience was transformitive for me in every way. I discovered I really did enjoy "working out", I felt healthy, and for the first time in my life I was happy with my body. A few years later I decided to obtain an ACE personal trainer certification so that I would be in a position to help others as I had been helped. I have been an RD (registered dietitian) for over 30 years, and would love to assist you as you optimize your health by exploring and experimenting with better food and activity choices.

Ace Certifications

Personal Trainer

Years Certified with Ace


Programs and Rates

Contact Me

Years in the Industry

0-1 years

Areas of Focus

Active Aging
Strength Training

Specialist Programs


Personal Trainer Specific Information

Years Of Experience

0-1 years

Preferred Client Type

Older Adult, Overweight, Other, non-athletic who would like to improve fitness & health

Client Training Locations


Average Clients Weekly
