ACE Professional Profile

Camille Krug


Camille Krug

Wheatfield, IN USA 46392


I have just completed the ACE Speical Groups and Conditions certification for Post Orthopedic Exercise, which I am super excited about! I also have a Certification in Nurtition and Weight Management, an Associates Degree in Applied Science, Theraputic Massage and Bodyworks, and have also completed a Personal Training Certification at Blue Heron Academy. So now you have a little background on my education. I really enjoy working with special conditions and hard to reach goals. This is why I am in the business I am to help others in all aspects of health. Contact me if you are up for the challenge.

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

16 Expired

Programs and Rates

Contact Me

Years in the Industry

2-5 years

Areas of Focus

Active Aging
Disease Considerations
Orthopedic Conditions
Weight Loss / Weight Management
Strength Training
Core Training
Flexibility Training
Functional Training
Sports Performance

Specialist Programs

Orthopedic Exercise
