ACE Professional Profile

Emily Nadaud


Emily Nadaud

Dallas, Texas USA 75234


Exercise can (and will) be very rewarding, but it takes some time to get to that point. Setting well-rounded, short-term goals is the best way to make exercise rewarding. Setting an outcome goal, such as “I want to lose 20 lbs in 4 months” will be achieved easier by laying out process goals too. Having a goal of going to the gym 3 times a week will keep you optimistic about your overall goal. Setting goals will help keep you motivated and healthy! When I work with clients, I like to keep each session fast-paced and exciting to keep the exerciser interested. I also think it is important to change workouts from session to session. Having fun during training sessions is important, because not every person loves to workout, but every person loves to have fun! I am a firm believer on working every muscle group equally on a regular basis, along with regularly including cardio. Each muscle group in your body is important for one reason or another, and they all need to be strong to keep you healthy. I like to be creative with exercises and often times try to work 2 groups at one time, by using different equipment or just doing 2 movements (ex: squat and bicep curl). I entered this field because I truly enjoy helping people reach their goals. There is no greater feeling than having a client realize they can lose weight or strengthen their biceps. I also studied this area to make a difference in people’s lives. Exercise and healthy behaviors can make the biggest difference in your life and I love assisting in that! It is important to realize that exercising is not always going to be easy, but regularly changing your routine and exercises will keep you excited about working out!

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

17 Expired

Programs and Rates

Private Personal Training Sessions: $85.00
Group Fitness Sessions: $50.00

Years in the Industry

6-10 years

Areas of Focus

Active Aging
Disease Considerations
Weight Loss / Weight Management

Specialist Programs

Therapeutic Exercise
Weight Management
