ACE Professional Profile

Hoi Ning Ngai


Hoi Ning Ngai

Gambier, OH US 43022


Hi! My name is Hoi Ning, and I'm currently working on my doctorate in Higher Education. I've been certified as a Group Fitness Instructor since 2005 and as a Personal Trainer since 2007. I love teaching group fitness classes because I think people are motivated and energized by other people -- and that just adds to the intensity and fun of the workout! Out of all the classes I teach, I particularly love step and kickboxing, as well as lower body and core conditioning. I received my training through the Fitness Leadership Program at UCLA, which is very focused on teaching instructors/trainers to educate participants/clients about correct form/posture and exercise mechanics. It's not just about getting individuals to do a move; it's about getting them to do it correctly and effectively. I also have a brown belt in taekwondo, and martial arts definitely emphasize mental focus and control. My ultimate goal is to motivate participants/clients to become independent exercisers, rather than have them depend on me for ongoing support. I'm positive and I'm dedicated -- and I think everyone else can be the same. It may not be the most lucrative philosophy (especially as a personal trainer), but it's certainly the most beneficial one for overall fitness success.

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

18 Expired

Programs and Rates

Contact Me

Years in the Industry

2-5 years

Areas of Focus

Group Fitness

Specialist Programs
