ACE Professional Profile

Jeffrey Madsen


Jeffrey Madsen


(402) 202-4555


I help people achieve their diet and fitness goals by: 1. Giving them fun, varied exercise routines 2. Supporting them in their nutrition DAILY through MyFitnessPal 3. Supplying them with workouts to do on their own, complete with pictures/descriptions 4. Providing a free monthly newsletter with a "recipe of the month" and other great tips 5. Contests every six weeks based on consistency with exercise and nutrition Nothing excites me more than seeing people become a more healthy version of themselves. It's not about looking like a model in a magazine...It is about looking, and more importantly, feeling great. Seeing people achieve their goals and becoming the best version of themselves possible is inspirational and fulfilling!

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

7 Expired

Programs and Rates

Contact Me

Years in the Industry

6-10 years

Areas of Focus

Program Design
Specialized Equipment Training
Kettlebell Training
Suspension Training
Strength Training

Specialist Programs
