ACE Professional Profile

Tamara Wallett


Tamara Wallett

TAMPA, FL US 33602

(813) 390-1692


Discovered my desire to change lives through health and fitness after injury/surgery. Recovery was ultimately a success because I trained with a certified personal trainer. I had already requested physical therapy after surgery to ensure resuming an active lifestyle. That was not enough...any movement with intensity was not possible. The guidance and knowledge from certified trainers improved my strength and endurance. Let's keep moving and doing what you want and need!! I am proud to be an ACE CPT. Tell me about your health and fitness goals we can "action" plan it together! Most recent expertise “Functional Training Specialist” to develop exercise programming aimed at helping clients move more efficiently and prevent injury.

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

7 Expired

Programs and Rates

Contact Me

Years in the Industry

2-5 years

Areas of Focus

Active Aging
Disease Considerations
Group Fitness
Program Design
Strength Training

Specialist Programs

Fitness Nutrition
