ACE Professional Profile

Yumo Zhang


Yumo Zhang

Shanghai, CN 20003


I assert that everyone has the potential to be who they want to be, and perform how they wish to perform. My role is to make this happened safely and efficiently. And a healthier diet and life style can really help you achieve your goal! I will provide all my techniques, passion and knowledge to help you to become a better yourself! trust me and trust yourself! transformation is on the way!

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

7 Expired

Programs and Rates

Contact Me

Years in the Industry

2-5 years

Areas of Focus

Group Fitness
Cardiorespiratory Program Design
Core Training
Group Strength
Walking Programs
On Sale Now
Program Design
Cardiorespiratory Training
Functional Movement and Resistance Training
Strength Training
Balance Training
Bodyweight Training
Core Training
Flexibility Training
Movement-based Training

Specialist Programs
