ACE Professional Profile

Sara Ecker


Sara Ecker


(802) 281-2325


Feeling under motivated, over committed? Feeling like there is not enough time in a day to get healthy? A Health Coach can help you tackle the obstacles that are getting in the way of you being a healthier you. A Health Coach will help empower YOU to make positive, long lasting changes to your everyday eating, activity and lifestyle decisions. Open to groups, individuals, teens, adults, men and women- you can even bring your dog! *Your plan will be entirely individualized based on personal goals Sara Ecker is a life long Vermonter residing in Thetford with her husband, two young children and dog. She has a Master’s Degree in Health Education and Wellness Management along with her ACE Health Coach Certification. (She is presently studying for her Fitness Nutrition Certification as well) Sara has been the Varsity Lacrosse Coach at Lebanon NH for 21 years and has also done quite a bit of youth coaching in both Lebanon and Thetford. Sara leads a very active and busy life and recognizes more than anything the challenges of balancing a work, parenting and overall life schedule. Sometimes it seems impossible to fit another thing in but it CAN be done. Being healthy and fit does not need to take a lot of time out of a day and it gives you more energy, helps you sleep better and makes you feel better overall.

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

9 Expired

Programs and Rates

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Years in the Industry

0-1 years

Areas of Focus

Disease Considerations
Nutrition for Health and Wellness
Women's Health

Specialist Programs
