ACE Professional Profile

Susan Lohse


Susan Lohse

Los Angeles, CA US 90025


Background My career path started with my love for sports. I was motivated through athletics because it pushed me to find my true strengths and gave me self esteem by accomplishing my goals. Starting at age 5, I began taking gymnastics, basketball, and dance lessons. By age 11, I was competing in volleyball, track, cross country, basketball, gymnastics and softball. Gymnastics was my true love throughout my sports career, so much that I began coaching by age 16 and continued for 9 years. I was honored to receive a Track & Field Division 1 scholarship through the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee in 1993. Education While attending the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee I received my Bachelors degree in Psychology. This contributes to my strength in motivational techniques, attention to individualized needs, as well as understanding the major impact that our past and present has on our ability to maintain a successful exercise routine. I went on to finish my Masters in Business Administration allowing me to start and grow my own business in the fitness industry. It is important to me to make a difference in people's lives by increasing their quality of life by helping them to incorporate fitness as a lifestyle. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing someone improve their self esteem, energy, mental and physical health. In 2003 I became nationally certified through ACE (American Council on Exercise). In addition, I trained through YOGA FIT to learn the basics of Yoga in order to incorporate proper flexibility techniques into my training regimen.

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

21 Expired

Programs and Rates

Contact Me

Years in the Industry

6-10 years

Areas of Focus

Weight Loss / Weight Management

Specialist Programs
