ACE Professional Profile

Ian Rubin


Ian Rubin

Portland, OR US 97218


For many people, achieving and sustaining health is a frustrating, elusive experience. Often, people know what they should do and even know how to do it…but they don't. I help clients achieve success where they’ve struggled in the past. I’ve found that lack of information is usually not the problem. My clients are knowledgeable about carbohydrates and cardio, but wellness has an emotional component to it. I have developed a compassionate approach to health that addresses the whole self: physical fitness, nutrition, mental/emotional health, and spirituality. I guide clients in a supportive process to balance these elements of their lives for greater health and wellness.

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

23 Expired

Programs and Rates

Semi-private / Small Group Training: $50.00

Years in the Industry

16-20 years

Areas of Focus

Active Aging
Disease Considerations

Specialist Programs
