ACE Professional Profile

Catherine Kohler


Catherine Kohler

San Diego, CA US 92130


My philosophy for success is getting you to believe in the power of YOU and YOUR BODY. Your stage of fitness or age makes no difference because everyone can set achievable goals and feel great! By training your mind and body to overcome any obstacles that stand in the way, you can accomplish amazing things! I have trained people to prepare for 5K races as well as Half Ironman competitions. I have coached people to get fit to hike Half Dome as well as helped strengthen people to simply function every day without pain and discomfort. This is my third career and by far the one I am most excited about! Having a chance to help people improve every aspect of their life through fitness is a huge motivator for me!! I want to work with you to help you achieve your individual goals and help guide you to a long lasting life of fitness and health. Let’s get together and bring the power and health back into your life for good!

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

15 Expired

Programs and Rates

Private Personal Training Sessions: $70.00
Semi-private / Small Group Training: $50.00

Years in the Industry

2-5 years

Areas of Focus

Weight Loss / Weight Management
Strength Training
Sports Performance

Specialist Programs
