ACE Professional Profile

Kent Tagge


Kent Tagge

Salt Lake City, UT US 84127

(801) 694-3325



Hi- I have been in the medical, health/wellness, and nutrition fields all my life. They do "support" one another and have made me the highly-qualified trainer and instructor I am today. I am well-known in the medical community; mostly from the many years I worked as a critical care RN/Nurse Manager and most recently as a nurse who wanted to help a growing population of overweight and out of shape individuals who also had an acute or chronic medical condition. I "merged" the two professions, and in 1998 opened a fitness/wellness studio to help all willing people, both healthy and unhealthy, who want to change to a much easier and for certain a healthier way of living. I love what I do and give my clients "my all" until they tell me to "back-off." That has never happened, but I would not be surprised if it did. As I get older, I might not look anymore like the typical 20-30 year-old man, but the knowledge is still in my head and I take care of my body, one day at a time (even as I get closer to the big 50)! I encourage anybody who realizes they need a little help to find a professional they enjoy working with, make sure they are trained academically, certified with a reputable organization, have the experience working with all types of clients, and still love their work. You will enjoy and benefit from the changes that occur (some you can see but many you can't actually see but you will know that the positive changes are also occurring inside your body as well as outside) for a long time to come. At 35 I was 350 lbs and started taking the small steps necessary (that form a LIFESTYLE) to gradually and safely return to a more realistic body weight goal. I have kept it off and have educated myself so that I can provide sound and current information to all my clients, while at the same time personally know how difficult taking bodyfat off and putting on muscle mass can be.

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

27 Expired

Programs and Rates

Contact Me

Years in the Industry

16-20 years

Areas of Focus

Active Aging
Disease Considerations
Group Fitness
Cardiorespiratory Program Design
Core Training
Functional Training
Movement-based Training
Walking Programs
Nutrition for Health and Wellness
Sports Nutrition
Weight Loss / Weight Management
Specialized Equipment Training
Kettlebell Training
Olympic Lifting
Suspension Training
Strength Training
Other Mind Body

Specialist Programs
