ACE Professional Profile

Steven Gonzales


Steven Gonzales

Louisville, Kentucky USA 40202

(812) 296-0307


I am currently living in Louisville, KY and I work at the University of Louisville as Program Coordinator for the Department of English. I am also owner of Under the Big Sky Books, LLC where I've published two fiction novels: Under the Big Sky (2006) and Where Free Men Pray (2008). I am currently working on two additional novels: Whisper of the Heart and The Precedence. As for my personal training background, my specialty is coaching clients toward living a good healthy matter the age or limitation. My mantra is: Where there's a will...there's a way. I will help you get to your goals, safely, sanely, and effectively. (My experience has included fitness management with Bally's Total Fitness in Minneapolis/St. Paul. I have worked extensively with young athletes seeking maximum bulk and/or increased strength. The past ten years I have branched out to middle and older aged clients who simply want to get fit and feel good. My training philosophy is every body develops differently...there is no set program or philosophy. I must get to know you and how you operate before I lay out any program.) To see if we will fit, please contact me for an appointment.

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

30 Expired

Programs and Rates

Private Personal Training Sessions: $55.00

Years in the Industry

16-20 years

Areas of Focus

Disease Considerations

Specialist Programs
