ACE Professional Profile

Mia Lamarca


Mia Lamarca

Blackrock, County Dublin IE Irela


I have been certified with Ace since 1992 as a Personal Trainer. I have taken numerous continuing educational courses since that time, including: Pilates Mat training, YogaFit training level one, Sports-specific training w/ Todd Durkin, numerous Nutritional courses w/ Nutrition Dimension, TRX Suspension training certified as well. I run a little one-woman outfit here in South Dublin, working w/ people of all ages, sizes, and goals. I train them at home, in the gym or in a local park. I don't use much equipment, as I like to keep it very simple. One of my mottoes is 'routine is the enemy'. I like to mix things up; blending 'cardio' with strength, power, plyometrics, flexibility, balance work, anaerobic training, etc. I try to constantly surprise the body and the mind.

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

31 Expired

Programs and Rates

Contact Me

Years in the Industry

16-20 years

Areas of Focus

Active Aging
Disease Considerations
Wheelchair Fitness
Group Fitness
Core Training
Functional Training
Group Strength
Movement-based Training
Walking Programs
Weight Loss / Weight Management
Specialized Equipment Training
Kettlebell Training
Suspension Training
Strength Training
Pilates (Mat Training)
Women's Health

Specialist Programs
