ACE Professional Profile

Jana Marie Allen


Jana Marie Allen

Fair Oaks, CA US 95628


I presently teach at American River College,Sacramento in the Gerontology and the Kinesiology and Athletics program. My specialty is Older Adult Fitness and Reduction in Risk of Falling through Balance Training. I have taught older adult fitness for 25 years. Previous Experience: •Older Adult Balance and Fitness Instructor for CSUS “Life Center” Program. (Program suspended due to budget cuts). Taught group exercise, weight training, stretcheding, water classes and Functionally Fit Fitness Classes at Eskaton Village in Carmichael from 1992-2002(4 level Residential Care community. Designed and implemented a “Risk of Falls Reduction” Program, 1997 for Eskaton Village (residential care facility for 400 older adults. Currently teach a class at American River College for students who wish to become Fitness Professionals and teach a 3 unit online course: Wellness for Older Adults. This course focuses on healthy aging and improving quality of life for older adults through awareness of healthy Lifestyle choices, appropriate exercise, healthy food choices and the importance of taking the time to manage stress.

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

37 Expired

Programs and Rates

Private Personal Training Sessions: $75.00
Group Fitness Sessions: $100.00
Semi-private / Small Group Training: $100.00

Years in the Industry

21+ years

Areas of Focus

Active Aging
Disease Considerations
Group Fitness

Specialist Programs
