ACE Professional Profile

Alex Goldberg


Alex Goldberg



My name is Alex Goldberg. I believe that training is about more than just looking good or winning in sports. It is about celebrating the capabilities of the human body to run, jump, lift, carry, throw, swing, crawl, hit, drag, kick, climb, and do just about anything, if pushed in the right direction. Too many people neglect the holistic aspects of training. I believe it is developing this love and passion for training that keeps people going back to the gym. Instead of it being a place you have to go, so that you can fit into a smaller pair of pants, or win your next game/match. It becomes a place to explore the capabilities of your body, which is primarily built to move. And while weight loss, better athletic performance, and improved health are all great reasons to train, it is the idea of celebrating the body that will keep you coming back to these goals. I currently compete in Strongman, Powerlifting, and will be doing my first Olympic Lifting competition soon, as well as working as a Chiropractic Assistant. Check out my website at I will primarily be training out of Back To The Basics Gym

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

12 Expired

Programs and Rates

Contact Me

Years in the Industry

0-1 years

Areas of Focus

Strength Training

Specialist Programs
