ACE Professional Profile

Elizabeth Eckman


Elizabeth Eckman

Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA 53211

(414) 405-6916


Fitness – for the body, the mind, the soul – is a way of life. Very little things exist that make me feel more fulfilled, clear-minded and content than a long run on a sunny day. As a personal trainer, I want to bring the joy of fitness into the worlds of as many people as I can. And while being fit can look different for every individual, the same result occurs for all of us. I believe that a fit person is a blissful person. Show me the research on how many criminal convicts have also been runners, weight-lifters or sports enthusiasts. My goal is to introduce healthy living into my clients’ lives and help them maintain it by challenging and motivating them when they need it. Fitness begets happiness. I will work to instill this ideology into the lives of those who are in search of their own well-being.

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

10 Expired

Programs and Rates

Contact Me

Years in the Industry

0-1 years

Areas of Focus

Disease Considerations
Women's Health

Specialist Programs
