ACE Professional Profile

Yamile Appleby


Yamile Appleby



I have always had a love for fitness and sports, particularly cycling, which I have avidly pursued for over 20 years. Two years ago I decided to challenge myself a bit further by training and participating in my first triathlon. Since then my passion for the sport has continued to grow and I am still training and now actively participate in triathlons on a regular basis. Because of my passion for fitness and health, I've decided to follow my dreams and pursue a career in the fitness industry where I can share my passion and knowledge with others that are interested, but may not know where or how to start a fitness and health program for themselves. I believes that, “your mind is the only limiting factor that is stopping you from achieving your goals.” I recently started a new business, Challenge Ya Mind....Fitness by Yami. I am a certified personal trainer and nutrition consultant that is extremely determined and motivated to help people find the lifestyle they have been searching for.

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

11 Expired

Programs and Rates

Contact Me

Years in the Industry

0-1 years

Areas of Focus

Nutrition for Health and Wellness
Sports Nutrition
Strength Training
Bodyweight Training
Core Training
Endurance Sports
Flexibility Training
Functional Training
Movement-based Training
Sports Performance

Specialist Programs
