ACE Professional Profile

Paul Elliott


Paul Elliott



My name is Paul Elliott I am a Personal Trainer/ Health Coach at in Eden Prairie. Over eight years ago I knew it was time to make a big change in my life. I was overweight, depressed, out of shape and sick and tried all the time, enough was enough. For a long time I was ready to make the change but I uncomfortable with the idea of being the "fat guy" in the gym. I wasn't crazy about people staring at me or having a trainer put me through tests that would only tell me what I all ready knew, I was out of shape. So one day instead of stopping at the local drive thru I went and bought a set of dumbbells and the rest is now history. With that new found passion and drive I lost over 130 pounds, got my ACE Personal Training Certification and chose to make it my new life's work to help others get fit and healthy. If you think you are ready to make that change and want help from someone who has done it first hand give me a call or drop me an email.

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

12 Expired

Programs and Rates

Contact Me

Years in the Industry

2-5 years

Areas of Focus

Disease Considerations
Weight Loss / Weight Management
Strength Training

Specialist Programs

Fitness Nutrition
